The American University of Kurdistan 'AUK'

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bulding of The American University of Kurdistan

The American University of

AUK practices the highest standards of intellectual integrity and scholarship. Its faculty and staff excel in their respective fields. Academic freedom, equal opportunity, and unity in diversity are hallmarks of AUK's educational model.


  • AUK was using non-integrated tools and applications to manage the daily business processes such as: student registration, student management, HR and TMS. The IT team should monitor the data synchronizations and manage the exceptional cases on a daily basis. This consumes time and efforts to achieve data consistency.
  • Class information and schedules was very difficult to manage.
  • There were no electronic forms nor services to support the students such as review marks, special requests or any kind of collaborative requirements with university staff.

Solutions With Triosuite Solutions

AUK is now using one system Trio365 to manage all of daily business processes for all users (students, advisers and faculty staff).

Trio365 was implemented in only 6 months in a high-available data-center, with 99.99% stability and availability to support more than 1000 users.

  • Financial: accounting, fixed assets, cash and banks.
  • HRM: recruitment, HR, payroll and self service.
  • Material management.
  • Procurement management.
  • ERD management.
  • Development: TrioERP development toolkit reduces 70% of the development cost, so the IT team can develop unlimited number of business processes, validations, reports, dashboards and workflows without referring to Triosuite team. This has given AUK the power of owning the full ERP system.